
B.Britaniyada Tehsil

Asagidaki universitetlerde tehsil almaq isteyenlerin nezerine:

Etrafli melumat ucun AZUS Xaricde Tehsil Sirketine muraciet ede bilersiniz.
Azadliq 81, Amerika Sefirliyinin yaninda. 012 441 1515

London School of Economics
King’s College London
University of Royal Holloway
Warwick University
Edinburgh University
University of York
University of Cardiff
University College London
School of Oriental/African Studies
University of St. Andrews
University of Lancaster
University of Newcastle
Manchester University
University of Birmingham
University of Leeds
University of Queen Mary
University of Loughborough
University of Bath
University of Essex
University of Sussex
University of Queen’s Belfast
University of Durham
Bristol University
Aston University
University of Nottingham
University of Leicester
University of Sheffield
University of Exeter
University of Glasgow
University of Southampton
University of Reading
London Metropolitan University
University of Aberdeen
University of Liverpool
University of Westminster